Saturday, October 25, 2008
YouTube Video Site
Ok well ya did
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Oh no you didn't...
Every once and a while something GREAT great that you can't believe it has happened. You celebrate, you call your friends..tell them the good news. Something like that happened to me about 2 months grant was filled..yay!
I told my campo that they will finally have those latrines they have been waiting on for the past few years, one day diarrhea would be a thing of the past....or so I thought.
Fast forward two months, to today. I DO NOT have the money for the latrine grant that I was assured I had per the people I work for... A donor apparently promised to donate the remainder of the funds but there was never any follow-up with the organization...and I find all this out two months later. Two months after my community have been told they will have latrines, now I have lost two months of fundraising, two months of work, two months....of a lot.
Now I have gained two months of problems that I need to fix within the next two weeks before I go back to my campo.
I ask you to donate, this money is not for me, this money is for women, men and children who do not have enough money to construct an outside toilet....just think of that. At times you may not have money to buy a latte, an appletini perhaps...but a place to go the bathroom...well that's in another category all together isn't it? And even if you do not care if people have a place to go the bathroom, donate for me. As this is my project, and I am the responsible one and if it is not funded I basically fail, and I fail my community.
Just think about it...but remember I do not have 2 months to wait, more like 2 weeks or better yet 2 if you have 20 dollars PLEASE help me out!
You can also go to and on the right hand side click on the DONATE NOW button, then donate to volunteer project, search by volunteer state or last name (MA and Goode)., October 1, 2008
One year and break.....
I have graduated my Escojo group and Nutrition group and plan on having more classes in January. The after'school program is still running, and a lot of the kids have learned the alphabet and have learned to read. All is good. I felt that with the graduation completed and my latrines funded I deserved a lil break to the old USA, plus I have to help my mother with some stuff for awhile. So off I go in October to Boston for a week then on to Florida with my mums. I´ll also get to see my sister Christine give birth to our first nephew!!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Up and Rolling
*At the security prompt hit enter.*
The communities of Los Cerros de Aminilla and Barrigon, two small rural villages near the frontier of Haiti, seek to decrease the high rates of diarrheal diseases present in their communities. They wish to do this with the construction of 25 Peace Corps approved VIP latrines, as well as educational workshops in basic hygiene and sanitation practices . In the Dominican Republic one of the leading causes of child mortality is diarrhea. In the communities of Los Cerros de Aminilla and Barrigon diarrhea has been identified as a significant problem. 25 families are in need of new latrines. Out of the 25 families that need new latrines 60% of them suffer from diarrhea or flu-like symptoms once every two months, compared to only 20% of the families whom suffer from these illnesses and have latrines in good condition. Realizing that 34% of the families in their communities lack latrines, and it´s correlation with higher rates of diarrheal diseases and flu-like symptoms, the communities identified a latrine project as a number one priority in both communities. They have taken the initiative and formed a Hygiene committee to help alleviate the prevalence of these illnesses and prevent new occurrences. The communities of Los Cerros de Aminilla and Barrigon are in need of the materials to construct 25 Peace Corps approved VIP latrines. With the addition of these 25 latrines the quality of life for the families will no doubt increase, due to increased education and facilities to fulfill their basic sanitation needs.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Bee Stings, Taratulas, and Robbery
1) I was attacked by bees, escaped by running out of my house half dressed while neighbors killed the bees with one of my good t-shirts. I thought the coast was clear...wrong...I entered the house and stepped right on a waiting bee. My foot swelled up to the point where I couldn't walk, and then I was high on benedryl for about 5 days. I'm ok now..gracias a dios!
2) While working on preparing one of my classes, I take a breather...leave the house - enter the house - only to find a huge tarantula on my ceiling. I scream, once again run out of my house - and have my old lady neighbor come and sweep it off the ceiling and kill it with a stick...the death of the tarantula brought me some satisfaction, but needless to say, I did not sleep very well that night.
3) It's 8pm, I am helping kids with homework, there is no light. I return to my house at 9:15, still no luz. I enter my house to find that my back door was tore down and 1700 pesos was stolen (about 45 dollars..which is a lot when I get 250 a month). I am currently at a lost, I have not been back to my campo in a week because I am feeling A LOT right now, and it's not good things.
The thing is I live in a campo of 103 people, I had the impression that things were going well, then someone enters my personal space (the one place in the world where I need to feel safe) and pretty much changes my trust in the community, makes me doubt my work and really pisses me off. Oh goodness...I have no idea what to do.... but eat cheese and chocolate. My options are to switch sites or accept the fact that one bad seed shouldn't ruin a batch. Right now I have no idea, and am discussing options with the powers that be in the PC office. But I am safe at the moment and that is all that matters.
I am looking forward to some time at the beach in mid June with some friends, and working hard to save some pesos to make this happen. The week before I have language training which I am really excited about and I'll be in the capitol with access to good food and an actual mall. So not all is bad, the truck keeps on trucking.
Miss everyone more than you know! Hope all is well. And send me a package.
Kisses x x x x
Saturday, April 12, 2008
How to send mail
451 Avenida Bolivar
Apartado 1412
Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic
Try to send packages in padded envelopes, big boxes take longer and seem to get "lost".
Also, batteries, a teapot, a hot water heater (the kind you plug in), a heating pad, granola bars, power bars, notebooks, puzzles, coloring books, and games can be added to the list of things that you can send, that will make me happy. Well actually anything you send will make me happy...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
7 months
Yes this has been my life for the past 7 months...still hard to believe it´s been that long. I finished my community diagnostic ...interviewing every house in my community (all 43 houses) and the neighboring community (30 houses) and presented my results at a conference in Santiago in February.
I found that about 20-25% of the houses suffer from either, or diabetes and high blood pressure and more than half the houses suffer from flu like symptoms every 2 months. Some pretty big problems I know, which is why I´m excited that my nutrition course starts this month and I am writing a grant to get money for latrines. Lack of latrines play a huge rule in the flu like symptoms and general hygiene of both communities, so as of now, getting these people their basic sanitation needs met is my number one priority.
I am also planning a monthly education and check-in session with the people who suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes. As well as a monthly baby-weighing to check the growth process of each infant under 5 years old.
The youth group and I have started an after school tutoring program that I am really excited about. Each child meets with a youth twice a week for one hour to go over homework, learn to read, as well as learn other subjects, but they also have three goals to complete for the program. Monthly we will have an all inclusive meeting to check the progress of each child. Sadly the majority of the kids (aged 6-12) do not know how to read, so I´m hoping this program will help with that. In the future I would love to fix up the school (it´s in TERRIBLE condition) and install a small computer center and library....because none of the children have ever used a computer and have very lilttle access, if any, to books.
Other than work, I have moved into my own house and I LOVE it! I love having my own space...even if I do have on average 3 kids in my house at any given time.
My house

My kids

Reminder on packages.....
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Anyway, I am good. 4 months in the campo is going well. I´m learning to relax and take things as they come, which I´ve never done before. I´ve always worked with goals and tasks somewhat in the near future. Here I do whatever comes, whatever the community needs. There is planning of course, if you can call it that, because it never turns out the exact way you planned or expected, which I´m learning isn´t so bad after all. Versatily and all that jazz. The unknown. That´s my life.
I´m looking forward to projects, projects I never saw myself doing like latrines and working with the school. I have a found love of pigs. I LOVE them. They are adorable, they remind me of Tallulah. I want one for my house. Which reminds me...did I tell you guys they´re building me a house? Yup. I am beyond excited because, no matter how much I like my host family - a girl needs her space, and pancakes in the morning. Not yucca and fried cheese.
Also, a HUGE thank you to mom and Jeff for my christmas present!!! I miss everyone and am waiting to hear from you guys about your visits. Yup your visits...make it happen!